My Journey begins here...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hi guys... (i doubt there's anyone read this, but who care... :P)
Since 4 years ago, i'm looking forward to start a blog. Finally, WALLAA... here it is... trying my best to share my story with others and hopefully can become a bed-time storyfor you guys and to those that willing to think and learn, can gain sumthin from it..
Since the day i wanna start this stuff, until now, there are a lot of things happen and i guess i change, not say a lot but i changed. One of my newest fren, mem, told me, "no lah, you are what you are. Any changes still means you are what you are... only experience makes you grown up". (dont really understand, tho... but maybe it's tru, who knows... hehee...)
I think, better I start with the infamous ASL, you know, the-boring-age-sex-location stuff.
Frenz call me Erry, turnin 24 this sept and origin from Kuching... a peaceful and clean meow-meow town. Up until now, ther are 3 stages in my life, first stage is zaman budak2 like 14y.o and below, second is around 14 to 19 and the third stage around 20 till now... i called it stage because each point in my life, i make a very big step (or decision like all the grown up say) that totally change my life and my prespective towards life. ..
I think thats enough for the opening... owh, in case you wondering where i'm gonna start my boring story, it will be on stage 3 and above... hahaa... those cerita lama, allow me to keep it to myself and all my bestest best friend... hahaa...
c u soon...
June 10, 2008 at 4:39 PM
yeah i'm first...hehe looking forward to see your blog ya..
June 10, 2008 at 6:31 PM
welkom to blogging world..
terus menulis pakcik...
June 10, 2008 at 11:00 PM
Hey, good to hear that you have a blog ... keep blogging... =P