New Year...  

Monday, January 5, 2009

Tahun 2009...

Firstly, I would like to wish Happy New Year to all my readers, family & friends... Tahun ni, umur aku genap suku abad...

hari ni, aku nak bercerita mengenai imiginasi aku untuk orang yang berumur 25 tahun, waktu aku sekolah dulu...

Dari segi fizikal:
1. Well build... wide shoulder with large hand;
2. Tall, fair and handsome;
3. Smartly dressed.
4. Reliable-looked. (not sure how that suppose to be)

Dari segi mental:
1. Mature
2. Love challenges
3. Fully ready with serious commitment
4. Strike to be the best no matter what they involve in
5. No all those silly pech-lobs

Dari segi pendidikan:
1. Highly educated
2. Able to involve actively in serious topic conversation
3. Knows at least common solution for common problem

Dari segi skil untuk kehidupan seharian:
1. Manage to build a simple dog shelter (wooden shelter, bukan ikea yang pasang siap aa)
2. Paip bocor? Tandas tersumbat? No problem man
3. Good in gardening, can cook something that look like human food
3. Lots of friend to be refered to.

Dari segi karier & kewangan:
1. Has aku-nak-kawen-esok type of saving.
2. High post in a company if you dont have your own company
3. Kereta cikai-cikai pun honda civic laa...
4. Melancong ke luar negara sewaktu holiday

Dari segi relationship:
1. Has someone special that look like JLo or something
2. Ready to make a serious commitment
3. Got at least 3 ex-es.
4. V-killer... muahahaa...

and so on...

So... aku pon sekarang tak tau which quality yang aku ada... macam takder jek... em, tepuk dada, tanya selera... hehee...

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